IV Therapy ? Vitamin Drip for Wellness

What is IV Therapy ?
Intravenous Vitamin Drip is a best way to deliver nutrients , vitamins and medications diectly to blood stream for amazing results.
For glowing skin , rehydrating cellular cells , for boosting stamina and for recovering from surgery or immunity boost , IV infusion is what`s to choose for wellness.

Benefits of IV Therapy
- Instant Hydration
- Boosts Immunity
- Flush out toxins
- vitamin absorption
- improves skin health
How it Works ?
Step 1
IV drip is injected into arm`s vein.
Step 2
For smoother Insertion , it is recommended to intake loads of fluid or liquids.
Step 3
The therapist will hang the bag of drip on a pole and hook it with IV line.

Step 4
When liquid is infused in the arm , the person will feel little cold and little tingling effect or sensation in the arm.
Step 5
Time taken to complete IV drip process is usually 15-30 minutes

Step 6
Once done , the IV will be removed and the small area with be covered with bandage.
Step 7
The effect of IV lasts for about 7 days to longer
These Vitamin drips are avaliable –
- Beauty
for glowing radiant and healthy skin.
- Radiance
for instant glow with essential minerals and vitamins
- Youth Builder IV
for promoting health and prolonging lifespan , coenzyme – an anti ageing molecule plays an important role , which is necessary to be infused
- Mastered Myers Cocktail
for normal functioning of nerves & muscles , and for increasing metabolism , essential vitamins are necessary to help body recover from cold , cough and other allergies.
- Hydration
Water is an essential ingredient for human body , hydration is really necessary.
- Heavy Hairs
Everyone knows importance of hairs to boost up confidence level and for self care.
- Hangover Cure
For curing hangovers , due to dehydration and excessive level of alcohol consumption.
- Pre – Post Recovery Drip
for healing human body and micronutrients deficiency , poor diet , this is a solution.
- Men
s & Women
`s Health
for coping with periods pain and irritability , to intensive workout routines and traveling , to encourage both mens & women
s lifestyle , this is an excellent option.
Impact of these drips , starts from first session itself , but long lasting effects needs weekly infusions.
Side Effects
The side effects rarely happens but some cases have
- Bruising or bleeding at IV site
- chest or stomact concerns
- Bloating
- warming or cooling sensations at chest