Woman quits British Council Job to start Roadside Tea Stall

Sharmistha Ghosh – An M.A in English , is taking her Tea stall to Next Level.She operates a small Tea Stall on wheels in Gopinath Bazaar , Delhi Cantt.
This highly qualified girl has vision & dream to make her Tea Stall as big as Chaayos , Chaipoint etc , the popular tea cafe chains.

Her initiative is a big inspiration to all, to leave a full time high paying job and to go for your dream takes courage.
She has one more partner , Bhavna Rao , who is working with Luftansa Airlines , they come together in evening and operate the Tea Stall.
According to them , one must not only think about high qualification and high end jobs and also quoted ” No Job is big or small , but passion to dream is beautiful and inspiring.”
Let`s support her and take steps towards building her own Chai Cafe outlets !!!!